Sunday, February 28, 2010

Maintaining control within the chaos

So far life has been pretty simple for LittleM. Mommy is with him during the week, Daddy takes over on the weekends and Mommy gets a little break, and between them his needs are all met.

As far as he's concerned, life is just peachy. He's not really aware of the economic issue that Mommy and Daddy face that mean that Mommy will have to go back to work again, and LittleM will have to go to a strange place with no Mommy, just other kids and a few grown-up telling him to do things, and eat things, and sleep places he's never slept. But there are new boys and girls, new toys, new games, and new things to learn, so I'm sure he'll adjust just fine. And he might even remember that I'm Mommy when I do get home at the end of the day.

The chaos I'm really concerned about it my body. So far I've kept the autoimmune monster at bay, and not had any overt issues. But lately the muscle weakness is creeping up, just once or twice a day. The arm that doesn't lift quite as high as it did before to get the shampoo in the shower. Or the thigh muscle that used to have no problem lifting me AND LittleM up the steps suddenly needs to rest on unfamiliar steps. I'm trying to keep an eye on how the swallowing is going, but so far, no changes there.

I had some pre-emptive bloodwork done over a week ago, they said elevated CRP, and CK, which is what we were expecting. So now I need them done again, since I've now completed the prednisone regimine to see if they're improving or going the other way. And I need to get my butt into Reston to see the Rheumatologist, unless I can get into see the new one here... I'll have to look into that. I'd rather not have to travel, but if I can't get the same level of service and a good rapport, then I'll drive.

I've got lots of things coming up, new job, new hours, new stresses, new daycare for LittleM, all sorts of new, and I have to be able to handle it. So the key will be maintaining control over that which I can control, and leaving the rest in God's hands to take care of for me.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Little M's second Christmas

OK, this is really the first Christmas that LittleM was aware of, but last year he was only two months old, so give the kid a break!

We spent the day at Gigi's house with Papa, AuntK, UncleS and cousinG, who is now 14(!). It's unbelievable. Gigi had a great meal cooking for us, and once everyone was there we broke into the presents. LittleM was just starting to walk at that point, so he crawled around mostly. But he ripped paper with glee and had a wonderful time. Thanks to Gigi for a wonderful Christmas Day.

The next day we were at AuntS and UncleV's house with Cousins R, J, and C. Big M's Dad's side of the family showed up that night, and the next day for J and C's birthday party, UncleV's side of the family was there too. Since LittleM wasn't up late enough for gift opening on Saturday, he helped out with opening the gifts for the birthday party. Nobody really cared, though, as long as all the babies were having fun. BigM was not really thrilled that LittleM seemed to gravitate toward the more "girly" toys (pink teapot, pink purse set) that were cousinJ's gifts, but she didn't seem to mind. It was great seeing the babies playing together.

The month of January has been kinder to some of us than others. BigM has been fighting off what we thought was a sinus infection, but after 5 antibiotics we're having to have a CT Scan (according to the ENT doctor), because the x-rays didn't show anything. So hopefully he'll have BigM back on the mend.

Little M had a rough week at the end of January. One day he went headfirst into the corner of Daddy's chair, then the next day he fell down the first four steps of the 9-step section of stairs. Mommy scooped him back up, and he was eventually fine, but I swear I lost at least 10 years off my life in the terror that went through my heart.

Next up for Mommy is going back to work. I have a job lined up for the first day of March, I have to get some paperwork back to the company, but I'm ready to go. Well, once I get some business appropriate clothes to be able to wear to work. But that's why God gave us Online Shopping! I'll have to get on that next.

Bottom line, though, if you want to have lunch with the LittleM while Mommy can still take him, give us a call ASAP and get it on the calendar! We will only be scheduling weekends after that.
Love to my followers, and those who help me have any life to write about at all. And a shout out to my friend Chris, who just had her second baby, named Payton!